Retraining Your Spine


At our clinic, we treat our patient’s neck pain relief through Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic and through the Zenith Drop (Thompson Terminal Point Technique). We are certified to perform both treatments, and depending on your diagnosis, we will recommend you a treatment plan.

What is Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic?


The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique is a specialty within the chiropractic field. This technique is a painless and safe upper cervical chiropractic spinal correction of the atlas bone that restores a person’s balance and stimulates the natural-healing capabilities normally present in the body which results in the amazing byproduct of pain relief and greater function. The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique is a gentle, effective approach to renewed health and relief from discomfort.

What Is Thompson Terminal Point Technique Or Thompson Drop-Table Technique?


Thompson Terminal Point Technique, also known as Thompson Drop-Table Technique, is a chiropractic technique which uses a precision adjusting table along with a weighing mechanism which gives sufficient tension to keep the patient in the “up” position before the thrust or pressure is applied. Thompson Technique is a specific chiropractic technique which was discovered and developed by Dr. J. Clay Thompson. This technique comprises of a special table with several segments in it known as drop pieces. These table segments can be lifted up a fraction of an inch, so that upon delivering the thrust, the table drops. This table is known as “Segmental Drop Table,” and it helps in enhancing the motion of the area or segment which is to be adjusted, usually the mid-back, low back and pelvic area. These drop pieces aid in the thrust thus minimizing the force/pressure required for the adjustment. This is one of the benefits of this technique. This technique (spinal adjusting) usually entails the patient lying face down. Another important feature of the Thompson Technique is the leg length analysis concept. This concept is used to determine imbalance in the leg lengths with the patient lying in a prone position (face down) on the table. Other than checking the leg lengths, palpation, X-rays and other suitable tests may be also be used by the chiropractor for determining the area to be adjusted.

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