Say good bye to your chronic pains

When You Should See a Chiropractor for Upper Back and Lower Pain

Although deciding when to see a chiropractor for your back pain will vary from person to person, there are some general rules of thumb you can follow to help you navigate through the process.

If you have some back pain, but it is not too severe and uncomfortable and goes away quickly, you probably do not need to seek treatment from a chiropractor. Pain that is not drastically affecting your quality of life and does not linger or come back on a regular basis can often be treated at home. Perhaps your posture is poor some days or maybe your upper body workout made you tweak a muscle. In these cases, you should be fine with some ice, heat, and over the counter pain medications for treatment.

However, if you are experiencing chronic back pain, it is getting worse, it goes away, but comes back often, and it is making your day-to-day life harder than it should be, you should consider making an appointment with a chiropractor to help get the issues sorted out.

Not seeking proper treatment will just make your upper back pain worse and cause more serious issues in the future. Your main goal should be to avoid more intensive and invasive treatments for upper back pain such as surgery, injections, and prescription pain medications.

Furthermore, if you have had a trauma to the upper back, seeking treatment immediately is imperative. Trauma cannot be treated at home and without a doctor’s assistance.

The Most Common Diagnosis for Back Pain

Poor Posture and Lifestyle


When an individual carries out daily life with poor posture, the loads on the spinal cord will be dispersed incorrectly. This will weaken the muscle tissue surrounding the spine, which will eventually lead to chronic back pain. We understand that posture is a lifestyle habit and can be very hard to fix. Through treatment and the use of medical accessories, your poor posture can be fixed.



Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes the joints and the surrounding area to swell and become inflamed. This causes inflammation, joint pain, joint stiffness, and other pain complications that can all build up to back pain.

Disc Bulges


Disc Bulges are one of the most common factors that cause back pain. Quite often, disc bulges are correlated with old age, but can form in patients of all ages. Disc bulges will create sharp pains and more severe pain, depending on where the condition is located. Depending on the extent of damage and age of the disc bulge, different types of treatments can be used to treat it or aleve the condition.



Subluxations are quite common causes of back pain, but can be overlooked in some cases. Subluxations is the scientific term for a condition where the spine is misaligned. This results in the patient having a challenging time to engage in physical activities and limit mobility. The root of subluxations can be a combination of many different factors, such as poor sleeping positions, nutrition, posture, and other lifestyle factors.

Experts in chronic pain

Get an expert diagnose, for that back pain

Back pain is often attributed with bad posture, age, disease, and spinal issues. It is very important to diagnose these problems earlier on. Although disease attributed pain is quite rare, it is possible that the pain may be rooted from a disease. Nothing is certain until an investigation. To start with the clinic and treatment, please book an appointment for consultation.